Massage in Portland, MaineAs a massage therapist, I am so used to physical touch that I often forget that it can be intimidating for people who have never before had a massage.  Some people are so nervous or unsure that they never even try – imagine all that relaxation they are missing out on!

I have put together a few pointers for newcomers who may want a massage but aren’t quite sure what to expect.

  • Cleanliness – You should expect your massage therapist to provide a clean environment with fresh linens changed between each client.  Your massage therapist will also expect you to be recently showered.  However, most massages include the scalp area, so you may leave with messier hair than you arrived with.
  • Hydration – Massage therapy helps to release unwanted toxins in the body, so it’s important to be well-hydrated when you arrive.  There will also be water for you to drink afterwards – you should definitely take advantage of this.
  • Nudity – Although it may be easier for the massage therapist when you are unclothed but covered, you can and should wear whatever makes you most comfortable.  Many newcomers feel better wearing underwear for their first massage, and that is totally fine.  You will always be draped.
  • Body Manipulation – There are thousands of ways to do a massage.  Your massage therapist will ask about problem areas, past injuries, and muscles that may be tight or sore.  This is your opportunity to tell them where you have pain or stiffness, what may make you uncomfortable, and even where you might be ticklish.  When you are getting the massage, just allow yourself to relax.  The massage therapist will move your limbs or tell you when they need you to move.  Unless they ask you to do something, just lay back and let them massage your cares away.
  • Comfort – You are there to relax and be pampered.  If you feel too warm or cold, if the pressure it too much or to little, or if you experience anything else that makes you uncomfortable, just tell your massage therapist.  Massage professionals are exactly that: professional.  Chances are they have experience in most situations, so don’t be shy and feel free to express yourself – especially if it’s a sigh of contentment.

If you have questions, please put them in the comment section or email me directly, I would love to hear from you!

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