Do you ever get bogged down with so many choices…so you don’t make any? Do you ever let fear stop you from choosing something? It can be almost paralyzing sometimes. Abraham Hicks says that there is no such thing as “wrong choices”. They say if you make a choice and it feels “wrong”, then you can always right it by making a new choice.

As I was watching surfers this morning choose which waves to ride and which ones to let pass by, it reminded me of this whole notion of choosing.

With online and social media marketing, there are so many choices to make. Which products to sell, which products to buy, which mentors to follow, which opportunity is going to be THE one, which social media site should I spend my time on…

This became very clear when I let my emails pile up while on vacation this week. I could see all of the latest and greatest promotions all in one full swoop.

Dang that was overwhelming! I forgot what I know Abraham-Hicks talks about regarding choices and I started wondering… What if I miss out on the next best thing that will help me in my business? How am I going to read every promotion that is in my inbox? Look here, another facebook group to join, Oh no, my tribe…I’ve let them down by not #FollowFriday – ing them!

But when I calmed a bit and realized, as these surfers do, that there’s another, and another, and another opportunity waiting for me and that there are no wrong choices, it was such a relief. If I let some pass, there will be more. If I choose to delete, delete, delete, then that choice is what is best for me at the time.

It’s when I get stuck in paralysis that it feels yucky. The action is what is the life force flowing through me. And choosing to do something feels a heck of a lot better than not choosing at all. Which, by the way can be a conscious choice in and of itself. So if you want…go ahead and choose to Not Choose!

And hopefully one of these days I’ll choose to buy a surf board and get out there myself to ride that wave!

I’ll leave you with this Law of Attraction quote from Abraham Hicks…
“There are no choices that are really a detour that will take you far from where you’re wanting to be — because your Inner Being is always guiding you to the next, and the next, and the next. So don’t be concerned that you may make a fatal choice, because there aren’t any of those. You are always finding your balance. It’s a never-ending process.”- Abraham-Hicks Albany, NY — 5/22/99

What Choices Are You Making? Tell Us About Riding Your Wave! Leave Your Comment Below…

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  • sphares August 24, 2009 at 10:37 am

    Hi Sue, this is good information to know and remember. I am always finding myself in information overload, then when I step away, worrying about what I may have missed and if the choice I made was the right one. You can second guess yourslef into madness at times! Your wisdom here is very reassuring and puts the “calm” back in my spirit. Thanks for a great post, now GO HANG TEN!!

  • Rose Goddess August 25, 2009 at 11:29 am

    This is an awesome blog post Sue! A great reminder to relax and trust that we are always being guided to what we truly desire. Thank you:)
    Rose Goddess

  • Kathy Jodrey August 27, 2009 at 8:36 am

    Hi Sue,

    Love your post….Abraham is amazing!

    This is such a great reminder to us all that the only poor choice is inaction. It's so easy sometimes to get overwhelmed by “information overload” and to become paralyzed by the seemingly endless list of choices. I think we all get wrapped up in it sometimes but we need to realize that we always have the power to make the right choices and to take the actions that will best serve us.

    I find that some days I get overwhelmed by emails, keeping up with social media sites, and forums, and before I know it the day's over and I haven't done any concrete “work”. I've learned to tell myself at the end of those days that tomorrow is another day. As you so poetically put it, I have another chance to “catch a wave” 🙂

    Hope you had an awesome vacation…isn't it great to have a business that allows you to take time off whenever you choose?

    Kathy Jodrey

  • tazmine August 28, 2009 at 1:20 pm

    Sue you always know exactly what to say! I have been feeling overwhelmed alot too, too many good things to choose from out there. But, you're right, we can't use that as an excuse to feel bad.

  • svittner August 31, 2009 at 7:33 am

    taz, my friend just did a post about choosing 2-3 things to do each day to completion to do our business, for those of us who are multi-taskers and get overwhelmed and distracted from everything we can choose from. she gave a 90 day challenge, and i'm signed up! here's her link to the blog post.

  • svittner August 31, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    taz, my friend just did a post about choosing 2-3 things to do each day to completion to do our business, for those of us who are multi-taskers and get overwhelmed and distracted from everything we can choose from. she gave a 90 day challenge, and i'm signed up! here's her link to the blog post.

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