Author Archives: Sue Vittner: Massage - Art - Coaching
Napoleon Hill Speaks On Rare Video…
Napoleon Hill in his book, Think And Grow Rich, inspired us all to realize we create our own reality and our own economy. Watch this rare video of Napolean Hill speaking… Special thanks to Terry Petrovick for his generosity of sharing this rare video! Napolean Hill was born on October 26, 1883 and died November […]
Living Outside The Box
When was the last time you thought outside the box? Lately I’ve been wanting to start a blog entitled “Living Outside The Box”… The whole idea of creating a life outside the box is so exciting. That’s what most of us do in network marketing and home based businesses. We work outside the box. Our […]
Do You Stand On Your Head In Hopes Of Pleasing Others?
So, are you standing on your head in hopes of pleasing others? How many people do you bend over backwards for? I remember when I first became a Massage Therapist I was so nervous that I wouldn’t get any clients so I bent over backwards for each client that came to me. I would always […]
Abraham Hicks Says “There Are No Wrong Choices”
Do you ever get bogged down with so many choices…so you don’t make any? Do you ever let fear stop you from choosing something? It can be almost paralyzing sometimes. Abraham Hicks says that there is no such thing as “wrong choices”. They say if you make a choice and it feels “wrong”, then you […]
It Takes A Move To Realize My Personal Value Development
I’m moving my stuff from North Carolina to Portland, Maine this week. And I wanted to share some reflections I’ve had during this process of my personal value development… #1. Transitions A wise friend said that we often get our transitions, or more specifically, our beginnings and endings, mixed up. Often when something happens, like […]