Author Archives: Sue Vittner: Massage - Art - Coaching
Law of Attraction Hypnosis
As a Massage Therapist I have a very hot commodity for trade. Today I traded for Massage, last week I got accupuncture and the week before, hypnosis. Have you ever tried hypnosis? I love it, since it’s all about relaxation and positive suggestions… at least that’s how I use it. You may be thinking of […]
Are You Being A Seal Or A Waterfall?
Do you ever have those days when you don’t want to do anything but lay on the couch and veg out? And then the next day, you find yourself full of energy, working non stop, and pumping it out? What creates our change in energy? For me it is definitely the basics. Eating and sleeping. […]
Self Development Goals…Inspired in the Shower!
httpv:// Do you ever get inspired in the shower? That’s what happened to me this morning, so, I had to make this video right away on our self development goals! Think of all those dreams and inspirations that go down the drain, just because we didn’t write them down…or take action! Sometimes all of these […]
Oh Darn The Bike Police!
The other morning my mom and I were riding our bikes. It was a beautiful morning, the air was perfect, ocean views and no agenda. We felt free! Then we passed a woman walking her dog. Apparently she was under cover, no uniform, but full of authority. She shouted at us… “You’re riding on the […]
Are You Going For It?
Do you ever feel like you have so much going on and your entrepreneurial stream is moving really really fast, and there’s nothing else you can do but…to Just Do It? I know that momentum has been really building for me lately. I’m getting this blog going, business opportunities are opening up, and on top […]