Author Archives: Sue Vittner: Massage - Art - Coaching
Kettlebells: An Awesome Exercise Option
Kettlebells are a really popular weight training tool that can give you a lot of bang for your exercise buck. They were originally used in Russia and have become popular in the United States, especially among athletes. In addition to resistance training, kettlebells also provide cardiovascular conditioning, increased endurance, improved agility, and better balance. Because […]
All We Need Is Love
It seems that in all of my readings lately there is a central theme of Love. So, on this Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d reflect a bit about this beautiful four letter word that is both a noun and a verb. My friend gave me this little book to read called, The Lazy Man’s Guide […]
New Year’s Intention Exercises
Do you feel invigorated when you think of a New Year? I totally do! I love the festivities, the feeling of a blank slate to create whatever I want, the enthusiasm to relish in rituals and set intentions. Have you set your intentions for this new and beautiful New Year yet? If not, here are […]
Being Present
‘Tis the season for presents… are you being present? This morning I got all bundled up in my long johns, ski pants and thick jacket to take my walk to the ocean. It was about 11 degrees! It felt colder than Antarctica! Such an invigorating way to start a day, I must say. Anyway, I […]
She Crossed The Line!
The other day my friend, Maddie, called me to ask if I’d support her by coming to a clothing party she was having for her new business, Jockey Person to Person. She said, “This is me ‘Crossing the Line’ and stepping into my fullest self in my new business venture.” Maddie was a participant in […]