Author Archives: Sue Vittner: Massage - Art - Coaching

The Best Present You Can Give

‘Tis the season for presents. This morning I got all bundled up in my long johns, ski pants and thick jacket to take my walk to the ocean. It was about 11 degrees! It felt colder than Antarctica! Such an invigorating way to start a day, I must say. Anyway, I came upon some ice. […]

Law of Attraction Techniques – Emotional Scale: Part 2

Ok, so here I go…spilling out my secrets and guts to you all! Below is an example of how I’ve used Abraham Hicks’ Journaling up the Emotional Scale process that I described in the last post. Usually I hand write this in my journal, but for our purposes here, I’ll type it. In this example, […]

Law of Attraction Techniques – Emotional Scale: Part 1

My favorite of all of  Abraham Hicks’ Law of Attraction techniques is the Emotional Scale. It is from this book: Our emotions are our built in guidance system, sort of like an internal GPS that tell us if we are connected or disconnected to our fullest self. It is an inner wisdom that is spoken […]

Living In Thanks-Giving

I love Thanksgiving! I love time with my family, I love eating amazing food, I love the idea of the Pilgrims and the Native Americans sharing in a meal of thanks.  And I LOVE EGG NOG! But I really feel like I live every day as if it were thanks-giving. (Minus the egg nog!) It […]

The Magic of 11:11

Do you ever have those days when you know you are totally in the flow? You look at the clock and it says 11:11, 5:55 or 3:33? I just love when this happens because I know it’s my Inner Being communicating with me saying, “You are exactly where you are supposed to be.” This week […]