Health and Wellness

Massage and Golf

What if Massage could take some strokes off of your Golf Game!!?? My dad is a huge golfer.  He has a golf newspaper and radio show in Rhode Island.  I love golf too.  Although it doesn’t happen that often, there’s nothing like hitting that ball so perfectly that it didn’t even feel like I hit […]

Golfer’s Elbow Exercises

I found this great video to help people with golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow. Pain at the inside of your elbow is a common injury seen in golfers, but it can occur to anyone. Pain at the outside of your elbow is a common injury seen in Tennis players. In this video he goes over […]

10 Weird Spa Treatments

I found this really great article about the 10 weirdest spa treatments by Patrick Kiger.  It made me think that my massage practice may need a bit of spicing up! He writes, “how about a slithery snake massage or a pedicure from a school of hungry fish? Or perhaps a cactus needle massage, a facial […]

What’s an ANDI Score?

If you’ve been to Whole Foods lately you have probably noticed that some of the fruits and veggies have been given an ANDI score. So what exactly is an ANDI score and why should you care? Well, this is all part of the Health Starts Here program at Whole Foods which is centered around the […]

Day 10 Of The Master Cleanse

Yippie!  Day 10 of the Master Cleanse is here and I actually feel great. So, would I do this Master Cleanse again?  Hmmm, I think my body is pretty healthy to begin with, so I don’t think I need such an extreme cleanse again.  I’d rather do a cleanse where I can eat yummy veggies […]