Tag Archives: create your mood

Making Lemonade out of Jack Daniels

Every morning while I’m sitting on the rocks by the ocean savoring and meditating I hear a couple walking along picking up all of the empties from the night before. This morning I heard the woman saying, “A Jack Daniels…FIFTEEN cents!” with such enthusiasm. I haven’t heard anyone get so excited over 15 cents since […]

Are You Being A Seal Or A Waterfall?

Do you ever have those days when you don’t want to do anything but lay on the couch and veg out? And then the next day,  you find yourself full of energy, working non stop, and pumping it out? What creates our change in energy?  For me it is definitely the basics.  Eating and sleeping. […]

Oh Darn The Bike Police!

The other morning my mom and I were riding our bikes. It was a beautiful morning, the air was perfect, ocean views and no agenda. We felt free! Then we passed a woman walking her dog. Apparently she was under cover, no uniform, but full of authority. She shouted at us… “You’re riding on the […]

What “Am” You Creating In Your Life?

How often do you find yourself saying things like…”I Am Tired” “I Am Bored” “I Am Broke”?  This depresses me just typing it!  How do you feel reading it?  Our language is so powerful.  It literally creates our experience EVERY moment. Once I became conscious of this, I realized I could in fact create a […]