Tag Archives: inspired action

Cheryl Richardson and Grace

Last Sunday I had the pleasure of going to Cheryl Richardson and Jonathan Holland’s workshop on Grace.   What a team they are.  Cheryl is a life coach and John is a medium.  Both of them have perfected living a life that honors their soul. Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening the Buddha Within, says, “Grace […]

Are You Being A Seal Or A Waterfall?

Do you ever have those days when you don’t want to do anything but lay on the couch and veg out? And then the next day,  you find yourself full of energy, working non stop, and pumping it out? What creates our change in energy?  For me it is definitely the basics.  Eating and sleeping. […]

Self Development Goals…Inspired in the Shower!

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V-11YOyq6E Do you ever get inspired in the shower? That’s what happened to me this morning, so, I had to make this video right away on our self development goals! Think of all those dreams and inspirations that go down the drain, just because we didn’t write them down…or take action! Sometimes all of these […]