Author Archives: Sue Vittner: Massage - Art - Coaching

10 Weird Spa Treatments

I found this really great article about the 10 weirdest spa treatments by Patrick Kiger.  It made me think that my massage practice may need a bit of spicing up! He writes, “how about a slithery snake massage or a pedicure from a school of hungry fish? Or perhaps a cactus needle massage, a facial […]

What Does Judging Really Do To Us?

What do you think of sin and judgment? I was fortunate to spend some time with a former Pastor of mine last weekend, Tom.  He used to be the chaplain in my college and was such an integral part of my spiritual development.  He’s Lutheran, the religion I grew up with.  He always pushed the […]

How Do We Honor Our Soul’s Purpose?

At the workshop I went to, Cheryl Richardson talked a lot about honoring our soul’s purpose. But before we get into honoring it, how do we even know what our Soul’s Purpose is? Well, apparently we are born with it imprinted on our finger tips. There’s a Native American expression that says…much more poetically than […]

How Do We Honor Our Soul’s Purpose?

At the workshop I went to, Cheryl Richardson talked a lot about honoring our soul’s purpose. But before we get into honoring it, how do we even know what our Soul’s Purpose is? Well, apparently we are born with it imprinted on our finger tips. There’s a Native American expression that says…much more poetically than […]

Cheryl Richardson and Grace

Last Sunday I had the pleasure of going to Cheryl Richardson and Jonathan Holland’s workshop on Grace.   What a team they are.  Cheryl is a life coach and John is a medium.  Both of them have perfected living a life that honors their soul. Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening the Buddha Within, says, “Grace […]