The thing I like most about Social Media and online marketing is the collaboration it fosters. It’s so cool finding partners all over the globe.

Do you find yourself dreaming up ideas for businesses and trainings with someone you met on Facebook or that has the same mindset as you that lives across the globe? It makes sense since the whole premise of social media and online marketing is to attract like minded people. And being an entrepreneur, our blood craves teaming up and creating businesses and projects! We are like the artist that can’t sleep because there’s a work of art that has to be created.

So, what do you do when you meet someone that lives far away and you want to design a training? Lots and lots of emails and attachments, right? Well, at least that’s what I’ve been doing…and I am so slowed down in just trying to keep all of the emails and attachments straight.

My friend and I are working on a Social Media training (keep your eyes pealed!). She lives in Phoenix, and I’m…wherever I may be!

We have calls every week and one of us takes notes and then emails those notes to the other. We work on our tasks for the week and then email back what we’ve discovered and the other one writes notes on the attachment and then emails back. It’s so hard to keep track of each others comments and additions, and we often have to go back to square one on our next call because we’ve forgotten what we talked about and I usually can’t find the attachment with her comments on it!

Well, if this sounds familiar I have found the most amazing tool for online collaboration.

Those of you who are up to date and are on Gmail probably know of this tool…Google Docs.

All you need to do is get a Gmail account. And I don’t even think everyone that is on your team using this tool has to be on Gmail.

Check out this video below which explains how and why you want to start using Google Docs with your Social Media and online collaboration.

I know there are many businesses and offices already using this tool. If you’re using Google Docs or if you know it will help, go ahead and leave a comment below…


And of course, if you like this post, tweet away…

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  • Taz Loomans October 13, 2009 at 11:45 am

    very cool, can't wait to start using Google Docs!

  • svittner October 13, 2009 at 11:16 pm

    here's another way of connecting/collaborating i just came across…

  • Angel Taylor October 21, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    This was a really great post. I've been hearing people talk about Google docs a lot lately, but I never really understood how it all worked, so I appreciate you posting this. I love those Plain English videos because they always lay things out in a way that makes sense!

    Thanks again,

  • holistic healing July 13, 2010 at 1:08 am

    Documents, spreadsheets, and presentations can be created within the application itself, imported through the web interface, or sent via email. They can also be saved to the user's computer in a variety of formats..

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