Tag Archives: social media

Organize Your Collaboration With Google Docs

The thing I like most about Social Media and online marketing is the collaboration it fosters. It’s so cool finding partners all over the globe. Do you find yourself dreaming up ideas for businesses and trainings with someone you met on Facebook or that has the same mindset as you that lives across the globe? […]

Entrepreneurial Tip #2 From The Jersey Boys

The second tip I gleaned from watching the musical, The Jersey Boys, is so obvious… but so critical.  It seems to relate to us all, especially if you’re a fellow Entrepreneur.  Often times doing things out of the norm…like following your dreams, can be so hard.  Many people in the “real world” just don’t get […]

Entrepreneurial Tip #1 From The Jersey Boys…

What is it about live shows that are so amazing? Have you ever noticed how much it gets your own energy flowing? I even left there with so much energy to write this post on a great network marketing tip! I just saw Jersey Boys, the musical about Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons in […]