The second tip I gleaned from watching the musical, The Jersey Boys, is so obvious… but so critical.  It seems to relate to us all, especially if you’re a fellow Entrepreneur.  Often times doing things out of the norm…like following your dreams, can be so hard.  Many people in the “real world” just don’t get it.

You see, these guys had a dream.  They knew they had talent.   But proving it to the world was another story.  The Jersey Boys had so many doors slammed in their faces.  They tried to pitch their songs over and over again, to no avail.  In the beginning they were always broke.  They spent hours and hours away from family as they literally chased their dreams.

Do you ever hear these questions: Why not just get a real job?  Why not just do things like the rest of us do…like work 9-5 and get health insurance and all of the “safety” that comes with it.

I don’t know about you, but often times I must admit those things sound tempting.  Especially when I’m faced with obstacles, like when I mistakingly take rejection personally, when money doesn’t flow as quickly as I’d want it to, when it takes so much effort and time to create systems that at first don’t seem to bring in any money, or when I need a root canal and don’t have dental insurance!  It’s hard to see the forest from the trees sometimes.

But, you know what, this lesson I got from these guys from Jersey and that I hear over and over again in the entrepreneurial world is:  stay dedicated and focused and it will happen.

I like the term my dad would use when playing sports… you need a “stick-to-it-ness”.

You know what happens when you have a Stick-To-It-Ness?  A focus?

All of the energies in the world line up with you.   It’s the Law of Attraction.  It has to bring everything to you that you focus on.

So, whether you’re a musician, a Life Coach, a Network Marketer, a Jewelry Maker… if you stick to it and focus on what you want, it will manifest.

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